National Rural Crime Network

Welcome to NRCN's

10-Point Plan Tracker

This page is created to provide transparency and keep you informed about the progress made by key stakeholders against each of our recommendations from our 10 Point Plan.

We are dedicated to advocating for these improvements and working closely with relevant authorities and the government to see them through. By tracking these efforts, we aim to foster accountability and collaboration among all the involved parties in fighting rural crime.

What is it about?


Our report on organised rural crime as well as the 10-Point Plan addresses the unique challenges faced by rural areas and aims to deliver targeted solutions.

Read them below.

Not yet initiated

In progress


How do we do it?

We have created a traffic light system to track the progress of each point from our plan.


Point 1

Overhaul the Way Police Prioritises’ Rural Crime

Threat, Harm, and Investigation guidelines (THRIVE) should be reviewed and updated by the College of Policing in order to properly represent the organised and serious nature of rural crime as well as its effects.


Point 2

Full Economic Impact Assessment of Rural Crime

We are calling on the Home Office to undertake a comprehensive economic impact assessment of rural crime including the on-costs of damage and delays to food production.


Point 3

Legislate for a National Rural Crime Strategy and Advisory Group

We are calling for a bill to require the Home Secretary to produce a rural crime strategy that is fully integrated into the overall Government Crime Strategy.


Point 4

Recruit Specialist Rural Crime-Coordinators

Police and Crime Commissioners should ensure that specialist rural crime co-ordinators are recruited within their force and full data and intelligence sharing with the Police’s National Rural Crime Unit (NRCU)


Point 5

New Rural Crime Sentencing Guidelines

We are calling for developing rural crime specific guidelines that highlight the true impact of rural crime and its links to serious and organised crime and recommend sentences for offenders that are appropriate to these facts.


Point 6

Full Implementation of the Victims’ Code of practice (VCOP)

All victims of crime deserve a minimum level of response from the Police, and we fully support the introduction of VCOP.


Point 7

Whatsapp to be Used by Rural Crime Officers

WhatsApp has been an effective way for rural and isolated communities to quickly feed in intelligence and report suspected criminal activity to the Police. We are asking Police and Crime Commissioners to act to ensure WhatsApp is available to rural crime officers in their respective forces.


Point 8

Greater Rural Crime Training for Police Officers and Control Centres

We are calling on Police and Crime Commissioners to ensure that staff are encouraged to undertake training, understand rural crime and the impact on rural communities in order to help rebuild public confidence in rural policing.


Point 9

Tougher control at our Ports and Borders

We believe the Government should provide further resources to NaVCIS to carry out their operations and disrupt the activities of OCGs


Point 10

Increased Use of Technology

Technology such as CCTV and ANPR Cameras can be installed in rural and isolated spots. We would also like to see clear guidance given to local authorities to allow them to comply with GDPR and data protection laws so that this technology can be used to deter and detect fly tipping and other rural criminal activities.