National Rural Crime Network


The Network is interested in hearing from anyone with a view or contribution to make in keeping rural communities safe. Indeed, the value of this website relies on your contributions and participation, so please get involved.

Help Us Prevent Power Tool Theft

We want all power tools over the value of £300 to be forensically marked when they are sold. If you support our campaign then please lend your voice to the cause by signing our petition.

Share your research

At present the body of research on crime in rural areas is fragmented and scattered. If you have research findings and insight to share, please complete the research template.

Submit a case study

Best practice, innovation and ideas are to be found across England and Wales. If you have a case study to share, please complete the case study template.

Publish a blog article

We aim to generate debate and discussion about crime in rural areas. If you’ve got an idea for an article please complete our blog template.

Staying in touch

With all our submissions, we’ll respond just as soon as we can. If you need to talk more about this, you can send us a quick e-mail to, or phone us on . Alternatively, we’re available on social media: Facebook & Twitter