National Rural Crime Network

Fly Tipping Campaign Success!

The NRCN today welcomed the announcement by the government that two key elements of our anti-fly tipping 6-point plan will be introduced.


Earlier in the year, the NRCN and our partners launched the anti-fly tipping campaign which was kicked off by the South West Police and Crime Commissioner team.

Since then, we have been in discussions with government departments about how we can tackle the anti social behaviour of fly tipping in our rural communities.

Today, the government announced two key elements of our six point plan would be introduced:

  • Legislate by the summer to increase fly-tipping and litter penalties and consult key stakeholders on ringfencing the use of these fines to fund further action on fly-tipping.
  • Additional funding for the new national rural crime unit, to help cut crime and keep communities safe, including funding for a post specifically focused on tackling fly-tipping.

While we feel there is more to be done on introducing preventative measures to eradicate fly tipping, we welcome today’s announcement as a step in the right direction.

Tim Passmore responded to the announcement:

“The rural economy is hugely important, employing thousands of people and making an enormous contribution to the United Kingdom’s economy and general wellbeing.

I am delighted to learn what various government departments will be delivering to support rural communities and businesses, as these proposals, if properly implemented, will be of great benefit to us all.

The increased penalties to tackle the scourge and blighting of the countryside by fly-tipping and litter louts are especially welcome.

As chair of the National Rural Crime Network, I am very pleased to see there will be further support for preventing and tackling rural crime.”