National Rural Crime Network

'How farms are being targeted by criminal gangs stealing machinery to order for Russia' - ITVnews Segment

According to a recent segment by ITVnews featuring Chair of NRCN, Tim Passmore, an average of 170 agricultural vehicles are stolen every month!

Watch this interview featuring the Chair of the NRCN, Tim Passmore, to learn about how these stolen goods are making their way out of the country, leaving our farmers without the tools they need to make a living.

As highlighted by Tim, criminals are increasingly targeting this equipment due to the high prices they can fetch on the black market.

This calls for a stronger police presence in rural areas to deter criminals and improve response times. Additionally, farmers need access to more effective security measures, such as GPS tracking, forensic marking for equipment, and improved fencing.

Watch the complete story on ‘how farms are being targeted by criminal gangs stealing machinery to order for Russia’ now!